HooliTV - Character and Logo design
Hooli TV is a continuing joint venture between Rain and business partners which required the design of a mascot for the site identity. The brief was essentially a loveable hooligan. An emotionally expressive protagonist who while slightly aggressive is likeable and oddly cute. The character attempts to invoke the heated, strong opinions and spirited debates that football supporters love to engage in but maintains the fun and good spirit of the game - Hooli is a passionate supporter.
A more visual requirement was the mascot needed to be clean, simple, and easy to display at smaller sizes since the site was also targeting mobile users. The character would also be used to visually represent user opinions by his expressions for the voting/opinion aspect of the site.
Among other illustrations Rain responded with Hooli, who expanded into other characters based on the Hooli-style which we named Hooligrams. This not only produced a character but an extendable visual style that could include further character as a basis for a larger Hooli universe.