CICASP - Website Renewal
CICASP is Kyoto University's Primatology and Wildlife Research International Division. Along with their own research they provide the bridge for overseas researchers and academics enrolling in the university's programs and facilitating their work. CICASP also promote research and awareness of Kyoto University to the international scientific audience including the popular Primate Cast podcast series. This project was interesting as Rain had built the original CICASP website on the Drupal 6 CMS Platform. CICASP wished to upgrade their site with new features including a complete Course Application and Review system. Rather than a renewal a complete rebuild onto Drupal 7 was in order which actually assisted in upgrading all the current features of their site as well as the development of the new ones. As well as the improved features gained by moving to Drupal 7 Rain added in extended user managed profiles for Students and Alumni, testimonials, a homepage redesign and a complete multistep Course Application System which also allowed applicants to return and complete the application over extended sessions and periods of time.
The Course Application System was very important to CICASP's departmental operations because by taking the entire process online it limited application to only viable candidates and then streamlined the flow for CICASP staff to review and accept the applications. This alleviated a lot of manual work and attention for CICASP staff who could then focus more on their research and other pressing duties.