Drupal Japan : Tokyo Meet Up ~ Thursday April 12th 2012 ft. Acquia
The 3rd Drupal Japan Meet Up is here on Thursday April 12th, sponsored by KDDI, Acquia, Inc. (http://www.acquia.com), Alethia (http://alethia-inc.com/) & WIXI (http://wixi.jp/) , and ourselves.
The 3rd edition of Drupal Tokyo Japan Meet Up is again generously hosted by KDDI Communications, providing us with a venue at their building in central Tokyo. This time we have a very special guest speaker from Drupal founder Dries Buytaert's company Acquia, Mr. Mori Sugimoto!! Mr. Sugimoto will provide a report from the recent Drupal-con in Denver, as well as the latest news from the community. This event is limited to 60 places and can be registered via this Facebook Drupal Tokyo Event Page.
Finally, this event has been made free in support of the Drupal community by the sponsors. Please do what you can to support the community in return.
Here are the full details:
April 12th 2012 (Thursday)
19:00 ~ 21:00 (Door opens 18:45)
Please bring your business card with you to the reception desk.
You will not be able to enter the building after 8pm due to building rules. So, we will close the reception at 8pm. Please plan your arrival time accordingly.
Venue: KDDI Web Communications Inc.
Location: Sumitomo Fudousan Building #3, Kojimachi 3-6,Chiyodaku, Tokyo, 102-083
Access: Access Map
Details: Anyone working with Drupal, wants to work with Drupal or is just interested in coming out for a fun gathering
We will welcome a guest speaker and there will be plenty of time for networking with other members of the Drupal community. It will be a great opportunity for those who hope to have a connection with Drupal people. KDDI Web Communications Inc. has been very generous to offer us a great venue in central Tokyo for this event.
■Speaker Introduction
Mr. Mori Sugimoto, Acquia, Inc.
Based in London, UK, Mori had provided Drupal-based solutions to large and small NGOs and charities since 2006. Mori joined Acquia in January 2012.
■About Acquia, Inc.
A Drupal company co-founded by Dries Buytaert, the project lead of Drupal. Acquia provides various Drupal-related services from individual to enterprise customers, while making numerous contributions to the Drupal community.
■Details of the presentation:
A report on Drupalcon Denver - about the latest Drupal news and the community
FREE! Please show your support by Liking the sponsor's Facebook pages - (here's ours - Rain Interactive)
Please pre-register here: https://www.facebook.com/events/117139731743252/
We will accept entrance on the day of the event, but people who pre-registered will have priority to entrance if more than 60 attend the event.
Acquia, Inc. (http://www.acquia.com)
KDDI Web Communications (http://www.cpi.ad.jp/)~ Venue Sponsor
Alethia, Inc. (http://alethia-inc.com/)
Rain-Interactive (us!)
WIXI, Inc. (http://wixi.jp/)
Anything else
If you have any questions you can get in touch with us from our contact page or email.
2012年4月12日(木) 19時から21時(18時45分受付開始)
1)会場ビルの都合上、20時になりますとビルに入館出来なくなります。 その為、受付は20時で閉め切らせて頂きますのでご注意ください。
開催場所:: KDDI Web Communications Inc.
住所:: 〒102-0083 東京都千代田区麹町三丁目6番地 住友不動産麹町ビル3号館
アクセス: アクセス 地図
参加資格: Drupalを現在使っている方、今後導入してみたい!という方、人との出会いが好きな方、面白いイベントに参加したいと思っている方なら誰でも参加可能です。Drupal初心者の方も大歓迎。ぜひお気軽にご参加ください。
■ 「報告:Drupalcon Denver - Drupal に関する最新情報とコミュニティについて」
アクィア(株)杉本守弘 氏
英国ロンドンを拠点に、2006年より大小様々な NGO に対して Drupal を用いたソリューションを提供。2012年1月より アクィア に入社。
Drupal プロジェクトのリーダーである Dries Buytaert を共同設立者とする。大企業から個人まで幅広い顧客層を対象に Drupal に関連する様々なサービスを提供すると同時に、Drupal コミュニティへ数多くの貢献を行う。
FacebookでRain Interactiveを「いいね!」お願いします!
Acquia, Inc. (http://www.acquia.com)
KDDI Web Communications (http://www.cpi.ad.jp/)~ Venue Sponsor
Alethia, Inc. (http://alethia-inc.com/)
Rain-Interactive (us!)
WIXI, Inc. (http://wixi.jp/)